My Grandpa Don passed away the morning of Em's birthday. His health had been failing for quite awhile, but even though I knew he was no longer in pain and is in a happier place, strangely enough, it still didn't make the loss a whole lot easier for me. My grandpa had the biggest heart and use his talents and gifts to serve those less fortunate than him. He loved his family and was personally invested in each of his grandchildren. Even now, almost a full year later, I miss him. I can hear his laugh and smell his pipe tobacco.
His funeral was up in Minnesota the first weekend of December. I felt very strongly that the whole family go up for it, even though it meant quite a bit of extra work to pack EVERYONE and EVERYTHING up. (Traveling with my children is no easy task.) But, it ended up being a fantastic trip, and we got to visit with our friends that had moved up there a year before too.
Big smiles as we start out. |
Big smiles from me when Britta falls asleep! |
Welcome home! |
Our good friends, the Snows, opened up their beautiful home to us. Tessie was there for me shortly after Juliana was born when Cubby started traveling. She would come over and either read stories to the big kids, tuck Kari into bed while I nursed Juliana, or hold Juliana while I put the big kids into bed. Truly an angel in disguise!
Still reading to my children :-) |
My Uncle Rob and Aunt Barb were also close to my Grandpa. We were able to catch up with them and with many others who came to pay their respects.
Another friend from my childhood, Alexis, came as well. Her family lived across the street from my grandparents and Erin, Alexis, and I used to play together all the time! I love it that we still keep in touch--Thank goodness for facebook!
All of the travel and action left Miss Britta pretty tuckered out. Sweet little girl. (The quilt she's sleeping with was also made by Tessie. Yes, she's extremely talented.)
Britta wasn't the only one worn out. |
Saying a formal good-bye to my grandpa wasn't easy, but it was definitely worth it.