Since I've gotten some of my energy back during this second trimester, I've been able to get back into exercising on a regular basis. I normally just run (b/c it's the best way to get the most exercise in the least amount of time!). But, since I'm only going to be able to run for another month or so (before, due to past experience, my belly gets too heavy for comfort), I knew I needed to pick up something else!
Enter Zumba and Body Combat classes! Our YMCA offers classes at a lot of different times--evening classes have been great since I can go after the kiddos are in bed! Now, Zumba is an incredibly popular class and, I must admit, once you get the hang of the routines, a lot of fun! Most of the "regulars" have Zumba skirts and the better you're shakin' it, the more your skirt jingles! They're cheap to buy and I was actually able to tell a difference in how my hips were moving when I wore it to class last night.
Now, whether or not I'll get to wear it to class again, will depend on if I can tear it away from my fancy little Miss Kari! It's pretty and shiny so naturally, she loves it! Kari got very upset when she had to take it off for her nap. What can I say, this girl loves to dance!