Friday, May 17, 2013

Piano Debut

Tonight Emily had her first piano recital!  She played "Brave Knight" by Vogel.  She was very nervous, but was very brave (just like a knight ;-)) and got up and did beautifully.  She learned that it was okay to make mistakes (no one plays perfectly all the time!) and overall it was a positive experience for her!  I'm just so proud of her work and effort.  (And she was just so beautiful up there!)  Great job, Emily!!!

Daddy wasn't able to attend (he was on a plane coming home from a trip to LA) but I was able to record it so he can see it tonight.  Isn't technology great?!

Emily sets such a great example; Kari and Christian wanted in on the piano action too!

And speaking of Christian...does he look a) angelic and happy or b) completely worn out and fresh off a tantrum?  If you chose option "b" you are correct!  We were late to the recital b/c poor Christian had a complete melt-down at dinner.  He had been at the zoo all day with Auntie Erin and Jeff and had even fallen asleep on the way home!  Sooo...combine the tired and the hungry and you have the perfect recipe for a major melt-down!  And, once this kid gets going, you just have to ride out the storm b/c there is NO distracting or calming him down.  Being borderline OC doesn't help the situation in the least.  Ugh.  Needless to say, I was grateful that we even made it to the recital in one piece and that he perked up while listening to all of the kids play their lovely pieces :-).

1 comment:

Cara said...

Emily did such a great job! It was fun to hear her play. I'm glad Christian calmed down eventually. What a stinker! ;)