Monday, October 20, 2014

Meeting the Siblings

To say that the kids were excited to meet Britta would be an understatement.  They were soooo anxious to get down to the hospital once they heard she had been born.  (But, since she was born later in the morning, they had to wait until after naps to come.  Which, was good bc I was EXTREMELY tired and needed to rest up before they all invaded :-).)  

The big moment did arrive at last and they were all so thrilled to meet and hold their newest sister!

Miss Kari-belle and Britta-bear

Juliana is behind Christian--they all just couldn't get close enough!
So excited!!
Looking up at Daddy--love this!!  Cubby actually didn't really get to hold her until that afternoon bc between the nurses checking her over and  Britta nursing, Cubby had to go home around noon to help Grandma with lunch and naptime.
They came back the next morning too and the love continued :-).

 Does Christian mind having ANOTHER sister?  Not one bit!  (At least not until they're all teenagers, maybe...)  He is beyond sweet with Britta and I love watching him care for her!

Christian's an old pro at baby holding.
Baby in one arm, binkie in the other.  Feet up and watching some TV.
He's going to be an awesome dad one day!
Three weeks later and the novelty of Britta still hasn't worn off!  All of the children continue to ask if they can hold her, kiss her, and love her :-).

1 comment:

Lori said...

So cute!! A welcome addition to your sweet family!!