Tuesday, August 9, 2016

School Halloween Parties

 I was fortunate enough to be able to head up to the big kids' school to be a part of their Halloween parties.

When I arrived, everyone was in an assembly...making a human hot dog of their new principal!  He seems like a quiet man, but, obviously, he's a good sport to have not only ketchup and mustard squirted on you, but also chili and a 2 liter of coke to top it all off!  Yuck.
Since I had a sitter at home with the little girls, I was really able to float around to each of the classrooms and take part in each of the kids' parties!

Kindergarten is just so darling, including Kari's teacher!  Mrs. Doster is just wonderful.  She is not only extremely sweet, but she is incredibly in-tune to each of her students, their individual needs and how they learn best.

 Em's class party was extremely well-organized and, for a party, it was pretty chill.  The kids all had a great time though--their class has a lot of very nice kids!
 And then there's Christian's class...I walk in to them all dancing to the Whip-Nae-Nae.  Hi-larious to watch 3rd graders do it.  They're having a ball and they know how to par-tae.

 Christian loves to goof off--funny selfies with his buddy, Alex, and finding the Hersey kiss in the whipped cream!

Again, such a fun little afternoon and I was so happy I could be a part of it!

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