Saturday, December 19, 2009


Emily and Christian have been enjoying the snow!

A "little" blizzard didn't deter them from going outside and helping Daddy shovel the driveway! (Actually, he shovelled and they played, but hey, they were good company, right?)
Yesterday, was so nice outside! The sun was shining and after lunch it was the perfect time to play outside. (It totally wore them out and they both ended up taking good naps--a rarity for Emily these days!)
If you look closely, you can see our versions of the trail markers that you see while hiking down in Moab and the like. I can't get down and bend over to help roll out a snowman these days, so this seemed to be the best substitute :-).

We were really hoping for some more sun today (Saturday) so Cubby could take the kiddos sledding, but it wasn't meant to be. Maybe Santa will bring us another sunny day when Daddy's at home so they can go! My belly is just huge and my snow gear (jacket included!) doesn't zip anymore! ***Maybe we'll have little Miss Kari before the year is out??? (Wishful thinking on my part!) I'll be sure to take some belly shots in the next week or two and you can let me know what day you think she'll arrive....


Lizabeth said...

Love the name...Kari. I remember being giantly pregnant w/Ben and Cole wanted me to go out and build a snow fort. I actually did it. It was a rough night. :) Keep us posted. I can't wait to see pictures of the new baby. xoxo Lizabeth p.s. Enjoy some of that snow for me!!

whitney allison said...

Cute I love snow fun...but I can imagine being pregnant would make it hard. I've already thought about being pregnant in the winter, there's no way a coat would fit!