Thursday, March 25, 2010

2 Month Stats

Kari had her two-month check up this past Monday. And, in keeping with the Lindseth children tradition, did very well until the dr. checked her ears. Then, all bets were off and she cried her little eyes out until after the shots were completed. Poor thing. However, she was a trooper and pulled though :-).

Here are her stats from the visits:
Weight: 12 lbs 9 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 24 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 41 3/4 cm (90th percentile)

Notice the trend? We're so glad she's healthy and growing! She also started laughing this week and you can just tell how thrilled she is with herself when she gets going! Kari and Christian got some bonding time as well--just had to include this cute shot!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm "Old"!

Last Wednesday was my 30th birthday! It's crazy b/c I remember my dad turning 30 and thinking, "Wow, that's really OLD." (I was six.) So, I'm officially "old" by kid standards! The day itself was pretty ordinary, but the weather was great and so we got to play outside in the afternoon---WE LOVE SPRING! My mom also came over with a new organizer for the kids' craft supplies and so I got to organize too (one of my favorite things to do!)

After Cubby got off of work, we ate dinner, opened some presents and had some birthday cupcakes. Cubby and I had planned on going out to dinner that Friday, but Christian wasn't feeling well and Kari was super crabby so we've moved it to this weekend instead. The pictures here are from Sunday morning (when I actually looked a bit nicer than I did on my birthday). Crazy to think that I've now officially come to the point in my life that I remember growing up!

More to come from Sunday's family celebration...right now Kari is hungry so I'd better oblige!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our Weekend

This weekend was a busy one--for the big kids especially! Saturday morning brought swimming lessons (something to get them through until the weather improves!).
Then, when they usually would have nap/quiet time, Cubby took them to the zoo! (We did this because Daylight Savings was that night and we wanted to get them to bed early...I'll just say it worked!) Well, Christian ended up getting sooooo tired and, apparently, he had been coming down with a cold. So, not napping didn't exactly help that and he ended up staying home sick from church on Sunday. However, thanks' to Motrin and rest, he seems to be doing better. In any case, they had so much fun seeing all of their favorite sights (some of them twice!) at our favorite zoo.The jungle was extra steamy!You have to check out Christian's face in this picture! Priceless!
These next pictures are of Kari enjoying bathtime. They're more for the grandparents than anything that had to do with our weekend...other than the fact that bathtime each night seemed to be the highlight of her weekend! If you look closely, you can see all of her little hair! (Trust me, for our family, this is a full head of hair!)

Big Smiles!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Seven Weeks!

Our little girl is seven weeks old! I would've waited to post until Kari's two month check up, but she's been making such leaps and strides in the last couple of weeks, I wanted to record what she is up to!

Kari loves her bathtime! She gets very excited and starts kicking her legs, waving her arms, and snorting her little nose. She's also started to become aware of the world around her and enjoys the toys that Emily and Christian show to her. The "happy apple" is a favorite. Kari also has started smiling and cooing! It is sooo darling and rewarding. She'll give big smiles and will do her best to "sing along" to the songs we sing as well. (I have yet to catch it on camera though!) Her neck is getting stronger too and being able to sit up a bit better definitely makes her happy.

Kari's sleeping habits are getting a bit more predictable too. She'll go a few days where she doesn't nap for more than an hour at a time throughout the day (makes for a loooong day), but then, when that happens, she'll be so exhausted that she'll sleep for a 6-7 hr stretch at night. WONDERFUL. Other days, when she naps for longer periods of time, she'll do a 4-5 hr stretch at night so I'll be up twice, rather than just once. However, that's still great so most days we're all happy campers. (There are still rough nights once or twice a week, but compared to the first month, it's much better!)--Isn't it amazing how life just gets that much sunnier when you get a decent amount of sleep??

Speaking of sunnier, the weather is FINALLY turning nice! We've been able to be outside almost everyday this week!!! Kari hates her car seat, but likes being put in a bjorn-type front carrier. So, we've gone on walks and "played" with the big kiddos outside as well.

Finally, Kari loves her siblings! (Particularly Emily, but I think that's because Emily pays more attention to her. Christian is just too "busy" being two!) Kari loves it when they talk to her, kiss her, and play with her...even if I think they're totally smothering her!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chili Cook-Off

This past weekend was our ward's annual chili cook-off...well, I don't think we had one last year, but we had one the year before (and the year before too). Looking back at my blog, it was one of my first posts two years ago!

Anyhow, along with the cook-off is a pie-easting contest! This year Cubby got Harvey to participate as well--sooo funny!




We had some fun, for sure!