Since we did not have enough daylight left-over after we picked out apples, we were invited to come back to the Flynn's orchard to make some yummy cider!!! We haven't made cider in two years and I've been craving it ever since!
There is a bit of a process to making the cider and it was great for the kids to see, step-by-step, just exactly how it was made! Emily was a big help and, after washing the apples, she enjoyed doing the press. Christian liked throwing the apples into the grinder (and climbing on the gator!).
And Kari? Well, Kari enjoyed the structural aspects of the gator. She was quite the ham about taking pictures too. Such a happy little girl!
The kiddos also loved checking out the chicken coup! It was a great evening all together!
I am so excited to go there tomorrow. What a fun place to have in our ward. Your kids are so dang cute!!
love the picture of the kids backsides
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