Monday, September 30, 2013

Like Father, Like Son

 Just a few more funnies of our favorite six year old!  (And there's proof that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!)

This kids loves to make weird faces!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quiet Please

she's playing independently....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

If You Give a Kid a Camera....

Last week, when we went outside, Christian asked me if he could take some pictures.  I obliged and this is what we ended up with!
..."and eyes, and ear, and mouth, and nose..."
"head, shoulders, knees, and toes!"
Then, he switched to a little bit of nature...

And, finally, on to some human subjects!
Our cute neighbor, Campbell
Me, looking spiffy as always
Kari, thinking it's still summertime (and, it was warm so why not done your swimsuit?)

Silly Emily

Miss Juliana (who insisted on wearing Kari's skirt all day...and it was only a little bit big on her!)

I finally took the camera back and snapped a couple of shots of our budding photographer :-).

Bird or Bug?

 Look closely.  Last week we had a visitor to our flowers.  At first, I was so excited--I thought we had a hummingbird in the midst of the vinca!  It fluttered like one, had the long tube-like nose, and behaved much like a hummingbird does (or at least, how I think a hummingbird would act...based on my limited knowledge of hummingbirds).

Alas, it was not an actual hummingbird.  So, what was it??  Scroll down for the answer.

It was a weird thing called a hummingbird MOTH.  (Below is a picture I snagged from Google Images.  Looks pretty similar to our little visitor, huh?)

I had no idea that anything like this even existed!  You're never too old to learn something new, eh?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cuteness Overload!!

Ready for class!
Kari officially started dancing yesterday!  (Yes, she took her "Princess" ballet class over the summer, but this is "for real" dancing as she puts it.)

Kari was very excited and, since she's so familiar with the studio already, felt right at home and wasn't nervous whatsoever!
Up on our tippy-toes!

Getting cuter every day!

Can you tell which one is Kari??  The darling little blonde with the pixie hair, of course!  Not quite sure if it'll be long enough to get up into a bun by May...
This is Kari's class--Ms. Mary Lorraine is her teacher and it was just so amazing to see how animated she was with all of these little three and four year olds!  Honestly, you'd never know she does this day-in and day-out...and has done so for over 20 years!!!

I'm so excited for Kari this year--so many big things have begun and her time to dance has finally come!