Saturday, December 13, 2014

Switch Witch

What do you do with all of that Halloween candy??  Technically, we could let the kids eat it (or, let's be honest, be sneaky and eat most of it yourself.)  But, having seen what the sugar rush does to my kids' behavior and, having just had a baby and wanting to lose weight, we had to get the candy out of our house FAST.  Enter the Switch Witch.

See, the kids all pick out their 10 favorite pieces of candy.  Then, we put the rest in a bag on the front porch a night or two after Halloween.  Then, the "Switch Witch" comes and takes the candy and leaves a toy for each child.  Now, when I first broached this idea with the kids, I was sure they wouldn't go for it.  Boy, was I wrong!  They jumped all over it and were so excited.  Even Christian, who hoards his candy and still has some from LAST Halloween.  (Never underestimate the power of a new toy!)

So, the kids were very excited the next morning.  The Switch Witch was smart and brought craft-type toys to keep everyone occupied most of Sunday morning.  (Cue the heavens opening and the Hallelujah chorus.)

We will definitely be taking the Switch Witch up on her offer next year!

1 comment:

Jessie and Austin said...

Awesome idea! I need to remember this :)