Friday, February 27, 2015

Oh Christmas Tree!

Tree shopping in our family has varied from year to year.  Long ago (in a galaxy far, far away), we all bundled up and picked out a tree.  (Around here you go buy one, you don't trek out to the wilderness Chevy Chase-style and chop one down.)  Then, we got smart and only started taking the kids who actually wanted to go.  Most years it's only been Christian.  This year, both Christian and Kari wanted to go along!  They were a big help and we all liked the tree we picked out :-).

 Then came the real fun...the decorating!  First, though, the lights.  UGH.  I recall growing up how LOOOONNNGGG it would take my mom to string the lights.  (She hated seeing the wires :-).)  Now, I understand her pain.  Because the lights are a pain.  But, once those were up we got cracking on the ornaments!
Ju Ju loved touching the tree :-).

 I love watching my kids work together!  Such sweet memories.

 We finished up the ornaments when Daddy got home.  (We have a LOT of ornaments.)  And, only one ornament got broken!
 We put Christmas music on while we were decorating and Christian broke out his dance moves.
 Then, he and Emily partnered up!

See Kari's face?  Well, the evening ended on a bit of a crazy note...imagine that!  But, in years to come, I'm sure we'll remember the fun....right??

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