Thursday, April 2, 2015

Christmas Break Fun--Joslyn Art Museum

 Another day (an absolutely FREEZING cold day), I took the kids to the Joslyn Art Museum.  They had just opened this new interactive art area and it was free!  My mom and my Aunt Kris, who was visiting, came along too.  It was a really cool place and we probably could have stayed longer--the kids kept finding new things to play with and do!
You could build with connectagons....or with regular ol' blocks!

 Mirror, Mirror!

 There was a "still life" display that the kids all  tried their hands at.  Christian was very diligent in his drawing--he takes his art very seriously.
They had these cool wipe-board vases that kids could doodle their own designs on.
Kari left her mark quite literally.
Em's favorite area had wasabi tape, stencils, and markers.
She made her own picture frames and then made more for everyone else :-).
One of the coolest things they had were these large digital easels that kids could use actual paintbrushes on and it would show up on the screen.  You could then email or post your artwork online.  Pretty nifty little piece of technology!

It was a really fun morning and I definitely will be taking the kiddos back again!

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