Saturday, March 12, 2016

Raspberry Pickin'

 We loved the great summer we had.  There were some hot days, but nothing too terrible.  It really allowed us to head out and have some fun together without melting in the heat and humidity.

One sunny morning we went raspberry picking with our good friends, the Moranos, who had recently moved back into town!  We collected so many yummy berries and the kids always have a great time with their friends!
Emily, Stephanie, and Alexa
Andy, the pickin' pro
Christian, busy filling up his basket
Even Kari, who won't so much as try a raspberry, still loves to pick them.
Kari and Alexa, showing off the fruits of their labors (literally).
 After our picking, it was starting to heat up so we took some time to relax in the shade.  I think the girls mastered the relaxing aspect of it better than the boys though!

My sweet friend, Stephanie, and me

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