Saturday, February 13, 2016

Matchy Matchy

We had quite a bit of matching going on during our family reunion.  It's so great that our kiddos are still young enough to either enjoy it (or be too young to tell us otherwise!).

I found these little sun dresses on super clearance at Target just before our trip.  I loved it that each girl got their own color in the same dress!
The littlest girls really got the brunt of the matching game.  Aunt Amy found matching rompers, swim suits/hats, and sun dresses for these cute little cousins!  We can't wait until they're older and we can show them these pictures!  (Maybe they'll even recreate some of them, eh?)

 Sovie, Kari, and Juliana all got matching shorts to go with their reunion shirts (more pictures on those later).  These may be some of my most favorite shorts ever.
Even the adults got in on the matching game! (Albeit by coincidence...we think.)  Beatles shirts in most families wouldn't guarantee a match, but in our family?  It's a pretty sure bet.  And the boys all showed up in red shirts one day too.  Oh, and Sara and I both had matching t-shirts one day, but never got a picture.  Oh well.

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