Sunday, May 3, 2009

We'll Miss You, Ms. Sandy!

This past week was Ms. Sandy's, our favorite storytime reader, last week. She has been doing storytime for the past 12 years and will now return to teaching preschool. Needless to say, we are devestated and will miss her dearly. She has done so much for the library and its programs. Seriously, people pay big bucks for the type of activities and enthusiasm that she brings to "Toddler Time", "Time for Two," and "Lapsit" (for the babies).

Ms. Sandy, in her "element"

The children have "grown up" with library time as a part of their weekly routine and we (well, myself especially!) are hoping that whomever they get to take over will be able to do even 1/2 as good of a job as Ms. Sandy did. She knows all of the children by name...even the ones she read to 12 yrs ago! We wish her the best of luck with her new job, but hope she'll consider coming into the library once-and-a-while as a "special guest!"


Rebecca said...

It sure is sad and hard when special friends move on. It's part of life though, and we get through it and make new friends in the process.

mizkylie said...
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Maren said...

It is awesome that you cherish those special moments like storytime. I wish I could do something like that (working full-time is no fun!) At least I have summers!