Monday, July 25, 2011

The Pool

So this is where we spent most of our time while down in Branson! And, can you blame us? This pool was fabulous and perfect for the kiddos (and the grown-up kiddos :-) ).

Emily is such a waterbug!

(Her cousins Carson and Kaden--doing the dead-man's float---were also loving it!)

Cubby took Kari down one of the slides (she wanted to!) was a VERY fast ride and Cubby did his best but in the end, she got dunked! Amazingly, she didn't cry...but she also didn't want to go down the slide anymore :-). Instead, Kari enjoyed being thrown back and forth!

Kari has also joined the Waterbug League

And here is Christian! He had a great time being Scubba-Steve... And blasting everyone with his new water-gun from Granmda and Grandpa.

Here's a fun little group shot--happy, swimmers!

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a fun way to beat the heat!!