Thursday, June 7, 2012

Loves being a big sister

Emily loves being a big sister.  LOVES it.  And, since Juliana will both nurse and take a bottle, Emily was able to use her big-sister skills and feed her a bottle I had pumped before heading out one Saturday morning.  Soooo sweet and I love it how Juliana is just looking up at Emily.  And, if you look behind Em's hair, you can see how big of a smile Emily had to be able to be bonding with her baby sister.


Lori said...

That is the sweetest picture! I love the bonding time. What a great helper she is. <3

Cara said...

That's one of the best parts of having a baby at home...watching how it transforms your other kids and how tender and sweet they are with the baby. Love it!

Heather said...

So sweet!