Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This little girl gives us such sweet smiles!  Today she is seven weeks old and is a very good little baby.  She recognizes Mommy, Daddy, her siblings and Grandma Karen and rewards us all with the biggest smiles!  We LOVE it.  Juliana also does her best to talk to us--saying it's precious would be an understatement.  It makes all of the hard work in the past seven weeks worth it! 

Currently, Juliana goes to bed between 9:30-10:30 and will sleep until 4:30-5:30 (my BEST night-time sleeper yet!).  During the day, I can usually get one good nap out of her (sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and, sometimes not at all!).  But, she sleeps so long at night, I don't mind the rough days...most of the time!  And, with smiles like these, my heart just melts and I say, "Okay, the housework can wait and I can hold you just a little bit longer!"


Lori said...

What a darling little girl!! I'm pretty sure holding her all day long is all I'd ever do!

Rebecca said...

She is so cute!!!