Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ear Piercing!

I told Emily that once she turned eight, she would be able to choose whether or not to get her ears pierced.  (That's when I was allowed to get mine pierced and also b/c she's old enough to take care of them herself.  One less thing for me to do!)  I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that she remembered!  So, a couple of weeks ago, we did it!  I'm still in shock that Emily actually went through with it...and very bravely too!  (Em's never been one to endure discomfort or pain very well...the nurses used to triage her in the waiting room b/c she hated the dr's office so much she'd make herself throw up every time we'd go.)

So, here is the during...
 ...And the after shot!
 Emily did tell me afterward that her ears were a little sore.  But, honestly, that was all the complaining I heard!  Truly amazing if you know Emily at all.
Of course, to commemorate this milestone we had to hit up Orange Leaf!  Yummo.  It was so much fun to hang out with my big(gest) girl!  Emily has really grown and matured so much this year.  So grateful for her.

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a fun memory to have!! She is all grown up now ;)