Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Super to Be SIX!

Today, our boy Christian is SIX years old.  Wow.  I think I write this with every birthday, but, where has the time gone??  The days seem long but the years go by so quickly!  This not-so-little boy is wonderful in so many ways.  He is smart, affectionate, thoughtful, quick to help out, passionate about his opinions, funny, fun-loving, determined, and a terrific brother, son, and friend.  We love Christian so very much.  Here he is today, enjoying the spoils of his (a-hem) labors...

And then, here are just some random ones of this sweet, special boy in his "early" years :-)....{happy sigh}....

Happy Birthday, Christian-boy!  We love you!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

So cute!! Happy Birthday, Christian!!!