Saturday, June 1, 2013

C's Big Par-tae

Christian's birthday party was fun!  We weren't sure if we were going to be able to have it outside until about noon that day (yes, the weather is still acting crazy).  Thank goodness, though, that it ended up cooperating!  I put Cubby in charge of the games and the kids all had a great time!  Tug-of-war was up first...

The kids versus Cubby...and the kids won!
 The ring toss was up next...
 Followed by sack races!  (These were hilarious as most of the kids ended up falling on their faces, either from tripping on their sack or from giggling.)

(Uncle Kyle must've been bored or tired from all of his sitting and talking.)
 We served up some grub...
 Everyone say, "Hot Dogs!"
 Juliana liked the cones :-).
 Harvey was in-charge of feeding Juliana--he did a great job!
 Time for presents!  Christian was very happy, of course, with his gifts and was very good about saying "thank-you" to everyone.
 Harvey, continuing to perform on his Gpa duties...
 And then it was time for cake!

The cake.  Christian had requested a Lego cake.  Originally, I was going to keep it simple and do two Lego bricks.  One blue, one green.  However, the cardboard we used wasn't quite big enough for two side-by-side cakes so I figured like Legos, I'd stack them!  A few things I learned:  1)  yellow cake is much less crumbly than chocolate cake.  2)  It's important to have the proper cake frosting tools when you're doing something not-so-simple.  3)  There's a reason why cake decorators frost cakes in big refrigerators.  I finished frosting this one while it was in the fridge.  4)  It would've been better to just cut a bigger piece of cardboard.  5)  The kids all thought my less-than-stellar cake was fantastic.
 Finally, it was time for a water-balloon toss (and water fight).  Woohoo!
 Christian's big surprise came when Gma and Harvey brought out the new bike they bought for him!  Didn't he get a bike last year, you ask?  Why, yes, he did.  However, when you grow as quickly as our Christian does, you end up needing a bigger bike just one year later.  Thankfully, Trek bikes have a trade-up program so we're covered from here on out :-).
 He was THRILLED with his new bike and we have gone out on bike rides almost every day since!

A boy and his bike.  Awwwww....
It was a great birthday party!  (But we're thankful we're done with birthday parties until December!)


Lori said...

So cute!! I think the cake (and the party) was a huge success!!!

Cara said...

It sounds and looks like the party was great. You are a great momma to have so much fun wrapped up in just a few hours. :) Good work!