Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kari's turn...to DANCE!

To say that Kari was excited about "finally" getting to start dancing would indeed be an understatement!  She woke up last Thursday morning and started hopping up and down shouting, "I get to do ballet today! I get to do ballet today!"

So, after 3 whole years of waiting, Kari is finally old enough to start her career of dance!  Her class this summer is a "Pre-k Princess" ballet class and the girls can dress up like a princess, or just plain fancy if they want to.  Kari, of course, wanted to be "I Know You" (aka Princess Aurora), complete with pink flower clip in her hair.

Her favorite parts of class included twirling with wands and doing "plies" (where you're supposed to bend your knees, but she kind of just bends all over at this point).  But, she does it with pride and gusto.
Kari was a little disappointed the next morning when she asked what time dancing was that day and I had to tell her not until next week.  Yes, she wants to go to class EVERY day.

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