Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dance Recital

Emily's dance recital was the first weekend in June.  This year, she was part of the "big show" at the Music Hall!  (Previously, she had been a part of the Kids Review show).  

Her first number was tap and she danced to a Charlie Brown song, "Why is everybody always pickin' on me?"--Actually, I'm not sure if that's the official title, but that's what I know it as.  Her costume was modeled after Lucy from the Peanuts gang and there was a little boy (who's a great little tap dancer) who played Charlie Brown.  Tap is tough for Emily and she worked very hard to memorize the dance and learn the steps.  She did very well and it was such a cute dance!

Emily and her dancing friends, back stage, before the show

Emily's ballet number was to the song "Working Song" from the movie Enchanted.  It was darling and Emily did really well!  Her facial expressions were adorable and you could tell how much she enjoyed doing the dance.
Here she is, getting a little post-dancing congrats from Gma

Big smile from the beautiful ballerina!

 I love this picture, both the color and black and white, so they're both posted.  Emily is just so lovely and I think this picture captures that!

 Emily was most excited about her flowers that she got afterward.  They came from my mom's garden and made her feel like a professional dancer after her big concert!

Over the past year she's worked so hard (and got awards for both perfect attendance and entrance into the "splits club"!).  We loved watching her dance and can't wait to see how much she'll grow in the years to come!  Way to go, Em!


Lori said...

So pretty!! It is fun to see them develop their talents!!

Cara said...

She's darling!