Thursday, June 6, 2013

Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail

We have baby bunnies "growing" in our phlox out front! (Yes, I'm excited about this--I'm a sucker for babies!)  What's been neat about these bunnies is that we've been following them since the evening they were born.  Cubby happened to come home from work just as they were being delivered!  They were all tiny and slimy and gross looking, but it was very neat all the same.

The following day, my friend and I went out for a run and I saw that three of them were out of their burrow, laying in the grass.  "How sad," I thought.  "Something got to a few of them."  When we came back from our run, I took a closer look and, low and behold, they were all still breathing!  It was a chilly day (shocker, I know) and so I was very surprised that they were still alive.  So, I put on some gloves and carefully transferred them back to their nest.  They all snuggled right back in and I hoped for the best.  (Like I said, I'm a sucker for babies.)

A couple of weeks have gone by and, unless you knew where to look, you would've never known that there were seven little bunnies hiding and growing.  Mama bunny comes in the evening and nurses them.  (I had never seen a rabbit nurse before--it's a very strange sight.)  But, they are getting braver and tonight I caught all of them lined up and looking about.  Aren't they cute??!  (And, lest you think I'm a total sap, I have a spray for my plants in the backyard that makes the plants taste bad to rabbits.  But, since these are in my front yard, I'm happy they're here and doing so well!  The kids have loved seeing them grow!)