Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fun-Filled Fourth!

Oh my goodness, where has July gone?  I can't believe I have yet to post on our Fourth of July!  Well, it was a great day!  Probably the coolest 4th we've ever had temperature-wise (which translates into warm enough to swim, but with no humidity, it was cool enough to enjoy being outside for some fun times with our friends and neighbors!
Emily even let me do her hair all patriotic!
The day started out with Cubby and the kiddos riding bikes.  Sorry for the bad pictures, they were off of my phone.  

After lunch we went over to swim at my friend's Andrea's mother's home for some swimming.

Can you spot Christian??
 Kari had so much fun, she fell asleep a midst a HUGE "tank war" of fireworks and smoke bombs.  We set her up on a big floaty in the shade :-).

And then came our fun evening!  This year, my sweet friend, Mandi, offered to play hostess that evening.  What a blessing it was NOT to have to prepare everything and just bring a side to share!
The kids all spread out picnic-style for their dinner...
Juliana climbed into a chair to chill out....
And the grown ups got to sit back and relax!
Juliana kept us busy though--riding the Wonder Horse (I had one of these when I was little!)
And then she moved on to the swings with her friend, Ben :-).

After dinner, we moved on to fireworks (mostly sparklers and smoke bombs for the kids...the grown ups helped with a few other noise makers :-)).
Campbell and Kari--such angelic faces for two sweet girls!  (Notice the piles of snap-its at their feet.  These girls went through 10 boxes of snaps
Here are my good friends and neighbors--Stephanie, Bridget, and Mandi.  What would I do without them?!
Here's Christian with the parachute he retrieved!
Check out the looks on these girls' faces!  There was a big "BOOM!" and I caught their reaction!
And here are Emily and Ella and their sparklers!
 Happy Fourth of last!

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