Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Good Life

Last week we had absolutely gorgeous weather.  I'm talking about the kind of days that you just hate to see end because it's just so beautiful!  Now, I realize that many of my posts talk about the weather.  But, when your life pretty much revolves around your children and their activities, the great outdoors largely determines what you can do and how happy everyone is.  My children are happiest outdoors so when the weather is good, life is good!  And, last week, life was sooooo good.  Playing in our tee-pee that Gma Karen made was a big hit.
 Ah, this girl makes me so happy....she's getting so big!
 The big kids got out the "Bendaroos" at some point last week too and they ended up making Kari some pretty fancy jewelry.  Complete with a pink tiara, earrings, necklace, and bracelet!  It makes me so happy that my children are friends with one another.  Well, on most days they are!  One of the good things about having siblings is that there's always someone to play with!
This picture also makes me smile.  Some nights, story time mirrors the song, "Love at Home."  Other nights, it resembles the song, "Master the Tempest is Raging."  This night was the first and we all do love the story about Jillian Jiggs and her messy room. (It's an book that my mom read to us--I highly recommend finding it out and reading it to your children.)  So, I had to document!

Our summer is flying by...some days we swim.  Other days we play with friends.  Some days are filled with both.  Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!  I'm exhausted by the end of each day, so I assume our kids are too.  Here's to the good life!

1 comment:

Jessie and Austin said...

Those are some tan children! Let's play next time I come into town :)