Friday, April 4, 2014

Valentine's Day

Yes, I realize I'm over a month late with this post, but I still wanted to record it bc it was a fun Valentine's Day!  Now, Cubby and I usually don't get into Valentine's Day very much (it is a holiday made-up by Hallmark, after all), but, the kids really like it and so it was fun to do something with them--our greatest loves!  (Oh, and this was also the night we told the kids and our family that we were expecting again so it was a good excuse to get everyone together without arousing any suspicion!)

Cubby made a yummy lasagna (that the kids didn't want to eat bc they're finicky like that), and Harvey picked up Jones Bro cupcakes (in pink and blue...but no one caught on...).  We played lots of games and had a good time lovin' it up!
**Editor's note:  as this post is so very late, I'm not going to bother with captioning each picture.  We'll just let them tell the story of the evening!

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