Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's a....

Another GIRL!  Yup, to say that I was surprised would be an understatement.  I mean, this was the first time I had ever been wrong about what gender our baby has been!  Mostly bc my other three girls' pregnancies have been exactly alike and this one has been more like my pregnancy with Christian. Soooo strange (to be wrong and all--ha!).

That being said, we are very happy that this little girl is healthy and growing right on track!

We (okay, I) was concerned with how Christian would take this news.  FOUR sisters?  I mean, c'mon, what little boy wouldn't be just a tad scared of having four sisters around and no brother to back him up?  Yes, I was worried with how he would take the news.

We had planned on having my mom and Harvey over for dessert (it was Cubby's birthday, after all).  I was going to make a cake with either pink or blue in the middle and then frost the outside so that when we cut into it, everyone could see whether we were having a boy or girl.  Ah, my perfect plan.

Alas, it was not to be.  Our ultrasound got moved to the afternoon rather than the morning which cut my cake making time short.  The cakes got made, but then stuck to the pan!!  Ugh.  Taking them out was a disaster and trying to frost it didn't help any either.  So, my grand plan for a cake reveal was foiled.  Or was it?

Back to Christian.  Since the news wasn't quite what he was hoping for, I didn't want to upset him in front of everyone.  So, I pulled him aside and quietly showed him the ultrasound pictures.  It was a tender moment and Christian showed great maturity.  I told him that Heavenly Father must have a plan for sending him another sister. A little teary-eyed, he wanted to know what that plan was, and I had to admit, that I didn't know, but there was one there.  I also told Christian that Heavenly Father must know that it takes a very special boy to take care of four sisters and that He must have great confidence in Christian.  And I believe it.  Not even five minutes later Christian was very happy and affectionate, kissing my tummy and saying, "hello" to his baby sister.  So sweet.  I wasn't kidding about him being a special boy!

So, dessert comes along and, before bringing it out, we tell everyone that Christian is going to tell everyone the baby's gender.  He delivered the news with great pride.  It was a wonderful moment.  But, we did underestimate how much Kari had wanted a brother...she was just a little upset.  {Sigh}  We can't win them all (as evidenced by my cake).
The "disaster" cake.  (Which, actually turned out to be quite tasty.)
  Cheers to adding more more beautiful little girl to our family!  (Heaven help us once those teenage years hit us though...)

1 comment:

Jessie and Austin said...

That is so sweet about Christian! You're such a good mom Kathleen!