Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wet and Wild Birthday Party

 Want a no-fail recipe for a great boy's birthday party?  Give everyone water blaster squirt guns!  I think despite any particular "theme" we may have had in the past, it always evolves into a water fight.  So, this year, we figured why fight it?  We'll just have a water themed birthday party.  It was perfect and for days afterwards Christian would tell me that he had the "most fun birthday party ever."  A couple of friends even said the same thing!  Aw :-).

Always fun to open gifts!
Christian and his buddies can be quite the hams for pictures!
Brooklynn, Emily, and her bestie, Ella
Cuties, Ju-Ju and Gma

Our sweet little Kari-belle

Our big party game came in the form of a relay race through some noodles and then testing their aim by throwing nerf sponge balls through our back-drop.  Simple, but effective.  The kids all loved it.

Our good friends, "Miss Emily" and "Miss Caitlin" even stopped by to wish Christian a happy birthday!
Such sweet sisters!
Jeff brought over a HUGE water  gun.  Christian loved it!
 But, it did take a LONG time to refill and the kids ended up soaking Jeff with their little, but effective, blasters.
Time for a BIG water fight!!
Everyone got in on the action--Uncle Kyle, Auntie Erin, Jeff, and Daddy all got completely soaked.  It was primo fun.

Juliana opted out of the fight with a view from Gpa Harvey's shoulders.
I kept it fairly simple this year and did an orange nerf cake.  Simple, but de-licious.
And, they capped off the evening with everyone piled on the trampoline!
It was a great evening--kids and water guns go hand-in-hand!  We were so pleased that Christian had such a great birthday party!

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