Monday, May 11, 2015

Kari turns FIVE!

I refuse to just give up on my blog!  I don't care that I'm four months behind.  I WILL press on and catch up!  (Well, I don't know about catching up, but I'll press on.)

So, way back in January, our little Kari turned FIVE.  Hard to believe she's so big already!  The day started out with her favorites--juice and graham crackers with Nutella (yes, the breakfast of a picky eater).  We had her open up her presents before Daddy went to work (so she could play with them all day).  It was an oh-so exciting start to her special day.

Kari loved her new coat and the girls got all dressed up.
Their quote was, "We're ready for High School, Mom!"
 Later that night, Grandma and Grandpa came over with more gifts.  Books, fancy skirts, and games, oh my!

 Since we were having cake at her birthday party later that week, I baked some cookies that afternoon and made Kari an extra big one.  We stuck some candles in it and sang "Happy Birthday" all the same!

Happy birthday, Kari-belle!  You bring joy, creativity, and sweetness to our family.  We love you so very much!!!

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