Friday, May 15, 2015

Snow Day

Ah, the excitement of the Snow Day!  The night before, there are rumors of the approaching snow.  There is the elusive possibility of a day off of school.  You wait.  Sometimes, you get the call before you go to bed.  Other times, you wake up and your mom says, "School is cancelled!"  (In your mind, she's just as excited about this as you are too.)  Then, it's time for cartoons in pajamas, lounging all morning, and, if the weather cooperates, playing in the snow all afternoon!
 And....this is how Britta does snow days.  (Sure wish I could do the same!!!)
 Kari sure enjoys having her older sister and brother at home...but she also enjoys staying warm and cozy inside!

Juliana just loves to play (inside or out)!  She was so darn funny and completely absorbed in her play.

Snow days (for Mom) are nice in that I don't have to rush the big kids out the door in the morning and we can all just take it easy.  And, as long as I can keep the peace between everyone, the day is a lot of fun :-).

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