Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Britta's One Year Pictures

Almost an entire year has gone by with our Miss Britta.  What a blessing she has been!  (I call her my "reward" for having a fifth child--she's been that awesome.)  So, being the awesome baby that she is (and by awesome, I mean easy-going, extremely happy), I thought I'd be adventurous and try taking her one-year pictures myself!  She must've known I had high expectations of her...

I picked a small little seating area/park right by Juliana's preschool.  She wore the most darling dress that my mother had made for her.  I brought a beautiful quilt my sweet and talented friend, Tessie, had made just for Britta.  I brought Britta's favorite little reading rocker.  I even brought a gerber daisy flower and some helium balloons.

Well, it was a windy morning so the balloons were out.  The big camera scared Britta so I did my best to appease her and forgot all about the flower.  Thank goodness I brought the blanket and chair or else I may not have gotten any happy pictures.  Thankfully, I did manage to snap a few good ones and, thankfully, she's a very pretty and photogenic baby even when making yell-y, squishy, and generally unhappy faces.

 Can you see the progression of our session?  When I just couldn't torture her any longer, it was time to go pick up Ju Ju and call it good.  I can't expect too much more from my little soon-to-be one year old, can I?

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