Christmas Eve was spent out at my grandma's house in Ashland. She made a delicious meal and the kids had fun opening a few presents from the Great-Grandparents and wrestling! Later that night we were able to read from Luke 2 and Emily told us that she likes Mary because she wore a blue veil. Good to know she's paying attention and all :-).
Christmas morning brought some "pretty amazing" gifts, according to Emily. Christian got a train table from Santa (which is now currently our new coffee table). Emily got a plasma car from Santa. Both kids got some cool new sleds from Grandma and Grandpa Lindseth (which Emily insisted upon opening each gift on top of). We didn't take too many still shots of the morning b/c we were able to capture most of it on our new video camera from Mom and Harvey! It feels great to be able to make some memories!
After we had our own little family time, we drove over to my mom's house, opened up some gifts there and had a very yummy brunch, while listening to Swedish music (a family tradition). One of the Christmas traditions from Cubby's family that we are keeping up with is the making of cinnamon rolls--the recipe I used this year was from another Munch and Mingle and they were sooooo good. I do, however, need a good icing recipe (the one I used was okay, but not up to par with the rolls). Anyone have a good one? Once brunch was over, it was time to head home and collapse! After a good rest, Grandma and Harvey came over for some enchilladas and some more playtime before bedtime!
Whew! It was such a whirlwind of a day, but watching the kids' faces when they first came out on Christmas morning made it all worth it. The "magic" of the Christmas season was seen in their eyes and Cubby and I loved every minute of it!
Beautiful kids - I love to see their pics. Can I have Emily??? Please??? I promise she'd be spoiled! xoxo Lizabeth
sounds like you had a great day~
Glad to hear it was a total success
Looks like the had a blast! Kids make Christmas so much better!
PS Cute family pics!!
That's great, I love the magic of Christmas too
Isn't Christmas really fun when the kids get into it?
This was our first year that Jackson was really excited.
PS, today we had your crockpot ribs recipe you posted on your blog some time ago--WOW, that was good.
It's "the" ribs recipe for us from now on. Thanks for sharing. Shane about died of happiness.
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