Friday night was our ward's Christmas party, "Christmas Around the World." Emily invited her friend, Nicholas, from preschool. His mom, Julie, came too (his dad stayed home w/his sisters who are younger and needed to be in bed). The kids really had a fun time---whoever brought mac-and-cheese and hotdogs was a genius. I brought some Yaki-soba, a Japanese dish that my brother was sweet enough to go out and shop for me and tell me how to cook it. It's kind of like a Japanese ramen, but with veggies and it is way better.
Anyhow, here are the kids watching the program (notice how Christian is among the "big kids").
And, here is Christian with Anna. I really should devote an entire post to this. He just is so crazy about her--it's so funny. She is sucha' sweetie to play with him and include him in her play.
Saturday rolled around and I got to go out with my friend, Amber, and run a 5k indoors at the fieldhouse on base. Time-wise for me, it wasn't awesome, but, we both had fun and got t-shirts and a goodybag for doing it! (They were doing drawings for ipods and restaurant gift certificates, but we didn't win--bummer!) Anyhow, thanks, Amber, for inviting me along!
Meanwhile...Cubby was helping a family move into their house and my mom and Harvey were playing with the kids. Harvey even had the kids solo for about an hour or so--THANK YOU!!! They had a blast and all of the toys out reflected that!
Saturday afternoon I was able to go out and get my hair done (ahhhhh.....) and that evening, Cubby got to go out with his friends, Roland and Barry, to a Creighton basketball game! (And I am so glad that he got to go!) Cubby needs more "guys nights out". Sure, he plays basketball Tuesday and Thursday nights, but to be able to go out and do something different was, I think, well-deserved!
Sunday came and went with crafts in the morning and church in the afternoon--Christian is adjusting to nursery. He really loves his teachers and only cries for a few minutes when he gets dropped off. I hear that once the food gets passed out, he calms right down. Go figure! He always answers in the affirmative when asked if he had fun in nursery. Hurray!
And that about does it for our weekend update! Oh wait, two more side notes:
1. It is ZERO degrees outside...and windy. It's colder than cold.
2. Our Christmas shopping is done! Now, on to the wrapping and baking!
Thanks for sending that cold windy weather our way! It's great to hear that Christian loves nursery. It takes great teachers to do that!
What a fun filled weekend. It's getting colder here too and its really snowy today. Makes it feel a lot more like Christmas!
I think Christian is looking a lot like Cubby's baby picture in these pictures it looks like you had a great time, With Reagan lately we have had to drop her of and run away, but she has always has fun
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