Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving (weekend) 2009

We've had a great Thanksgiving weekend! We are fortunate enough to live very close to family and went over to my mom's for dinner. Aside from the fantastic food that we got to eat...and take some home (I love leftovers this time of year!), Emily and Christian enjoyed playing with the train set that comes out around the Holidays.

It's also been a fun weekend for some activities! Friday morning, Cubby had to work and so I took the kids swimming at the Y. (No pictures...I was actually brave enough to pour myself into a swimsuit and do a little swimming myself! Soooo worth it--the water does wonders to relieve a heavy belly!) Friday afternoon Cubby came home. After some serious puzzle-ing time with Emily, the weather was gorgeous and we headed out to Walnut Creek for some playtime.

This morning, once again, the weather was beautiful and so we headed over to check out the big trains down by the Lauritzen Gardens. Emily and Christian enjoyed checking out all aspects of the giant engines that mark the entrance into Nebraska from Iowa.

Playing peek-a-boo in some old wheels on display

Emily treated us to a slide-whistle tap number--"Jingle Bells"

Christian checked out the underside of the train..."Cool" was the general consensus.

It was indeed a weekend to be thankful for--great family, great food, and great weather!
Happy Thanksgiving!


Cara said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I went swimming a lot when I was pregnant with Hallie. I agree that it is so nice! :)

Amber M. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to your family!! I count you as one of my blessings!!

Maren said...

Hey you! You're baby bump is looking beautiful!