Thursday, January 6, 2011


Emily has lost her first tooth today! Yup, we were driving to dancing and Emily was singing to Kari when Emily yells, "Mommy! My tooth came out! O came out!" ("O" was the letter of the alphabet that her dentist assigned to that tooth.)

Anyhow, back to the car. So, I look in the rearview mirror and see her grinning, with quite a bit of blood running down her chin--ack! Not wanting to freak out a very-easy-to-freak-out girl, I calmly reached into by bag and handed her a tissue. Thankfully, we arrived at dancing shortly afterwards and I was able to get her a fresh tissue and check out the hole in her mouth (also thankful that gums don't bleed very long). It was very impressive and she was just giddy! After dancing, she told one of the other moms that the Tooth Fairy was going to leave her $100. That fairy must be loaded! We told her that the Tooth Fairy that visits our home usually leaves more like $1 (or 25 cents).

It's just one more step toward growing up! (Sigh.)


Cara said...

Oh...excitement! :) I'm sure she's just in heaven! Ethan is yet to lose any, poor kid! But it always happens, eventually! :)

Lori said...

That is so fun!! They grow so fast. Enjoy every milestone....especially these big ones!

Walker said...

That is awesome! Always fun to lose the first tooth!

Lacey said...

Hooray! Gotta love the drama and excitement of losing teeth. :)