Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sis!

Today is my sister, Erin's, birthday! We went over to my mom's and had a fabulous family dinner a la Chef Mom. Yummers. After dinner, it was time for presents and Erin was such a good sport about Emily and Christian just hovering over her, waiting for the next gift to be opened! They had each made her a little something--Emily made her a bookmark and a card. Christian had painted her a picture and also had helped with the card. Each of the children sure love their Auntie Erin!
Erin has a way with the kids--"playing" just comes naturally to her. Just like my mom. (A major gift I wish I'd inherited when Emily wants to play "puppies" and my lack-luster imagination just isn't cutting it for her!) She is always willing to come over if I need her. Often, it's with little notice and on her day off.
Erin is also a lot of fun. She has a great sense of style and man, is she funny! I almost always end up chuckling pretty hard when she's around. We're just under 2 yrs apart and so we grew up close friends, having Barbie marathons and fighting over whose socks belong to whom. I've been very blessed to have her as my sister.
Happy Birthday, Auntie Erin! We love you!


Lori said...

Sisters are amazing!! Happy birthday to yours!!

mizkylie said...

Happy Birthday AIRMAN!! LOVE YOU