Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unexplained Absence

So, I've not been the best blogger lately. No real excuse, we've just been doing the same-ol' pretty much! Cubby and I caught a less-than-fun stomach bug last weekend, but thankfully, it was short-lived and the children were spared. I painted our bathroom this weekend, but since it's not completely finished, I'm not posting pictures yet. I'll give you a hint though, it's very green and much-improved over the boring-beige that's dominated the space for the past 5 years. (Yikes, have we really been in our home five years??)
Anyhow, here are just a couple of shots as of late...nothing too exciting, just the ups and downs of a Sunday evening!This is an up...all three kiddos, sitting quietly and listening to a story (a rare shot to get them all even sitting, let alone quiet and listening). Notice that I'm looking lovely--no make up today folks! (Emily wasn't feeling well last night so I kept her home from church today. She's fine, just ate too much junk yesterday. But, if I don't have to go anywhere, I'm not getting gussied up!)
And, here we are playing Candyland. (*Sigh*) I love playing games as a family, but as you can tell from the picture below, sometimes it's hard to remain a "good sport" when we've just drawn the gingerbread man and have to go back to the beginning.

Time for bed, kiddos! Enjoy your week, everyone! I'll try and be better (and more interesting) with my blogging!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Ah, the joys of Candyland. How I remember them well!! Looks like things are running smoothly for your sweet family. Yay for that!!