Friday, June 10, 2011

On the Mend

Sunday morning, after falling back asleep while snuggling w/Daddy.

Our little Kari is finally on the mend. For the last week and a half, Kari has been very sick. It started with a stomach bug that left her throwing up multiple times and night and then having huge blow-outs in her diaper (and out!) during the day. That lasted about 4 days. Then, she seemed to be doing better, only to take another dive two days later. It turned out (after multiple trips to the doctor) that her allergies (from pollen, not food) left her with a very red throat AND her eye-teeth were starting to come in--OUCH! (Thankfully, the strep test came back negative and ibprofen and tylenol made her much more comfortable.)

Now, Kari just did not have any baby fat to spare and she not only became even tinier than she already was, but she became very lethargic. (Obviously, she wasn't wanting to eat anything so of course she didn't have any energy!) So, between her sickness, food allergies, and the extreme pickiness of a toddler, we have definitely been fighting an up-hill battle to put some fat on this baby!

Thankfully, this week has slowly brought improvements. She's needed a lot of rest and her appetite still comes and goes at completely random times (and, we're still having occasional blow-out issues every other day or so). But, Kari is once again wanting to play and giggle--a welcomed sound even at 5:30 in the morning! We're so thankful that our little munchkin is feeling a bit peppier and we're praying she'll continue to bounce back in the coming weeks (and that we can fatten her up a bit!).


Heather said...

Poor little girl. I'm so glad to know that she is doing better. I fasted for her on Sunday and have been thinking about her all week!

Lori said...

So glad she is feeling better :)

Amber M. said...

Aw! It's so had when our babies are sick! THank goodness it sounds like she is on the mend...

Camie said...

so so sad when the little ones are sick. Glad things are steadily getting better.