The guest was a herpatologist by the name of Jeff Nieves. This man knew his reptiles and was a real-life Jeff Corwin or Crocodile Hunter. He told us about his trip to study and photograph komodo dragons (and he got up close and personal with them...along with scorpions and 18 inch centipedes too! Yikes!). And, to top it all off, he was a fabulous presenter! (See photos below of some of the faces he was making while holding a white rat snake--can you imagine how he was talking??)
Mr. (Dr.?) Nieves also brought along an alligator snapping turtle, a fairly large monitor lizard (see below of him grinning at it...and is it smiling back??), a baby python, a vine snake, and....
Last, but not least, meet Sampson. Sampson is a 70 pound albino anaconda. CRAZY huge reptile.
Christian was in heaven. He came over to me afterwards (b/c I was sitting in the back with the other adults) and made sure I got lots' of cool pictures. Emily was a different story. She liked the non-snake reptiles and the pictures he showed. Once the snakes came out though, she was back with the grown-ups and on my lap. Kari thought it was all pretty long as my supply of pretzels and animal crackers didn't run out!
This guy has loved reptiles since he was 8 yrs old and is a very accomplished scientist. He really emphasized that he began to nurture his interest in herpatology through books and asking questions--very simple ideas for kids to understand. It was a great show and we're so glad that we were able to go!