Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day 2011

God bless America and God bless Labor Day! It was incredibly gorgeous here and we took full advantage of the much-needed day off. Now, you can tell by the pictures below that we went to the zoo...nothing new there! But, since we had Daddy with us, we made sure it was a super-extra-fun day at the zoo by going on the Skyfari and the train! (We usually don't do either because they cost extra money and I need extra hands to help with the kids.) We all had such a nice morning and since it was so nice outside, we didn't even notice how BUSY the zoo was because we stuck to the outdoor attractions and left the inside stuff for a colder day! Kari really liked the Skyfari (a ski lift that takes you over one side of the zoo) because she got to see the giraffes from above (and very close!), the cheetas out and about, and the rhinos nice and close too! (They are soooo much bigger than what you'd think from a bird's eye view!)

Christian was very excited about getting over to the rhinos--he'd wanted to see them last time but we didn't venture that far. This is the train ride--Kari is making her "choo-choo" face. We rode in the caboose!

Look at these cute little blondies--enjoying the view.

Kari got a little nervous when the train started going faster--and, by that time she was pretty tired.

We stayed until just after lunchtime and by then we were all ready to head got to play with friends, Kari took a 3 hr nap, my mom and I went out to a sale, and Cubby held down the fort! We finished up the day with dinner at my mom's and Cubby just finished mowing the the dark :-).

We hope you all enjoyed this rest from your labors!

1 comment:

Cara said...

I'm surprised we didn't cross paths yesterday morning! Sounds like we did the same things! It was a perfect zoo day! :)