Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mommy and Me

This month, Emily and I's date took us to the Mormon Trail Center at Winter Quarters. (We went out on a Sunday evening and so our choices of venues were rather slim, but we had a lot of fun touring around and learning more about the pioneers that came before us.) Emily enjoyed learning how the pioneers counted the miles with a handmade odometer on their wagon wheel (see picture on the left).

We also filled up our mini toy wagons with the "essential provisions," checked out a cool model of a ship that some of the pioneers came over from England on, went downstairs and checked out the quilt displays, and went out on a beautiful evening for a walk around the temple grounds.

I love my little date nights with Emily; it gives us some wonderful one-on-one time (and now that she's in school most of the day, it allows me to give her some undivided attention and she can tell me about what goes on during the day). She's becoming such a big girl so fast; I'm grateful for these moments to strengthen our bond and let her know how much I love her!


Cara said...

You are such a good mommy! I love your "dates" with your kids. So fun!

Lori said...

Perfect date night!! Well done!!