Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dancing Queen(s)

Next up for busy week post-baby:  Emily's dance recital!  This year Emily worked very hard and this year performed both ballet and tap numbers.

The theme of the recital (or "concert" as it's properly called) was "Alice in Dancerland."  Emily's ballet dance was the first number of the show and the girls were Alice; "Through the Looking Glass" was the song.  It was DARLING.

For her tap number, they were playing cards (as part of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland); the song was "You Gotta Have Heart."  The girls all sounded really crisp and clear--not too bad for 1st and 2nd graders!!  Emily had a great big smile the whole time and I was just amazed at how much she's improved over the year!  (It also helps that her teacher is the owner of the studio and has been an AMAZING teacher this year!)
 Here is the whole group that came out to lend their support to Miss Em.  (We were all there at Christian's graduation too, but I didn't get a group shot then--Juliana woke up and was a very hungry girl.)  Grandma and Grandpa Lindseth planned their visit so that they could see both kids' big events and help out at home too.

Emily wasn't the only one loving the dancing scene.  Kari was completely enthralled with the whole recital.  After each number, she would tell my mom (who she was sitting with), "More dance!"  Oh, and on a side note, we have some hilarious video of her dancing at Christian's graduation.  There was a slide show set to music and she just couldn't help herself--she just had to get up and dance!  (Kari gets to start dancing not this fall, but next.  She'll definitely be ready!)

And, a final sibling shot.  Cute stuff!

Way to go, Emily!  We love watching you dance!