She's here! As we thought, this little girl was so cozy she was not coming out on her own. So, at 8:30 pm on Monday, April 30th, Mommy, Daddy, and baby-to-be walked into Midlands Hospital, ready for action! After getting settled, the nurses started me on cytotec (sp?) to get more regular contractions going and to soften up my cervix. Cubby stayed around for a bit (and we got to watch "Castle" together) before heading home for the night.
During the night, contractions came, but weren't too strong or uncomfortable. I didn't sleep much, but it wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. Around 6 am, the nurse started me on pitosin (sp?) and that really kicked me into active labor. I let her know that as soon as the anistesiologist got there, to send him up! Thankfully, he arrived just before 8:00 and just as he was going to begin, Cubby got there and so I could squeeze his hands to death instead of the nurse's!
The epidural kicked in just in time! Some women's bodies don't respond well to epidurals and it slows their labor down. Mine does exactly the opposite! Pre-epidural, I was dialated to a 2. Ten minutes after it took effect, the nurse checked and I was at a SEVEN! And, while she was checking me, she just happened to break my water! Once that happened, I suddenly felt this HUGE pressure (like I had to use the bathroom) and things started happening very quickly! I had asked Cubby to make me a bagel and so while he was down the hall, my doctor was called over and everything was set up. He was a little surprised when he got back and I told him, "I don't think I'll be eating that bagel, I'm going to deliver!"
Sure enough, once everything was set, I pushed for maybe a minute or two and out she came! (Dr. Schropp even said, "Now THAT'S the way to deliver a 10 lb baby!" It was amazing. Since the epidural hadn't been in for very long, I was able to feel a LOT more than I had with any of the other children. Thankfully, it was enough that it took the edge off, but still, I was sooooo grateful once she was out!! Again, it was incredible.
Juliana also has very big feet! They took up the entire box when her footprints were taken. It was quite funny. We're not sure who the "looks like" just yet. (We think she may have Emily's (Cubby's) shape of eyes, Christian's cheeks and Kari's lips. I guess time will tell!
Congrats! I enjoyed the story. :) So is it Juli-anna or Juli-ahna? (Can you tell the difference in the pronunciation by my spelling?) Can't wait to see her in person!
Thanks for the details Kathleen - I have been hoping you would fill us in. I hope the next couple weeks go well and that she sleeps through the night in no time! Love you!
She is so beautiful. I think she looks a little like all your kids. Congratulations!!
Gorgeous!! Glad you got Castle in there...good timing Miss Juliana!!
Congratulations! She is beautiful and healthy! I love those cheeks in the photo of your mom holding her. I hope you all are transitioning well, and I hope she is letting you get some rest.
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