Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apple Picking 2013

This picture sums up our feelings about our fall tradition of apple picking at the Flynn's orchard!  Every year, our whole family looks forward to that time when the apples are ready for pickin'.

This year, we invited our friends and neighbors along too.  My friends, Stephanie and Audi, both brought their children along and together we all had a great time enjoying this special fall tradition.

The apples were up high this year and Emily got to use the "picker."

Christian, always a good boy to pose for a picture!

Kari, being silly.
Emily, being silly.
Cubby, being silly.
Our growing family!
 This year, as if to prove that you can, indeed, enhance the Rockwellian ambiance to the orchard, Pat Flynn added a rope swing.  The kids loved it!

 Our special friend, Alexa ("Lexi").  Such a sweet little friend to both girls!
Didn't get as many pictures this year as it was getting kinda' dark (we went a bit later than we have in the past).  Still, we were so thankful to have been able to go and continue in this wonderful tradition!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Your kids are growing so fast!! Such a fun tradition. They all looked like they had an amazing time!