I just love my Christian-boy. What a great kid and a blessing to our family. Here are just a few of the reasons why Christian is so special.

Christian has such a sweet spirit and strong testimony. Each Fast Sunday, he tries to be the first one up to share his testimony. Even when his speech was still progressing, and it was difficult for him to express his thoughts, he still went up and wanted to share the feelings in his heart. He also wants to sing the hymns. He used to have either Cubby or me hold his hand and follow the words of the song. Now that his reading is getting stronger, he follows along on his own, singing the words that he can read. Such patience and diligence. This past Sunday, he told Grandma that he wants to learn the 13 Articles of Faith. (I think he just wants to earn the stars on his chart in Primary, but still, I'm proud of him for taking the initiative and wanting to learn them!) And, yes, I'm also happy that he has a competitive spirit to him...Christian is the ultimate competitor with his sister(s). He is also the "fair police" in our house. Everything needs to be fair or we hear about it from Christian.

Christian cracks.me.up. He makes the funniest faces and is quite the goofball...particularly if he gets a hold of your phone.
Christian also has a great imagination! He loves to set up his army guys for battle, create new monsters with his legos, and build robot grabber-arms out of just about anything. Christian is a border-line horder and his propensity for collecting, what is in my own silly opinion, junk, knows no bounds. But, when he gets the opportunity, he puts his treasures to good use when the creative bug bites.

Christian is such a wonderful little boy. He is smart, affectionate, kind, handsome, strong-willed, creative, athletic, and, on most days :-), an absolute joy to have around!
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