I don't know about your kiddos, but mine just LOVE door stoppers. It never fails; once they start moving, they seem to migrate toward them automatically. Like a moth to a flame. Kari is no different and as she is a very busy little crawler these days, a whole new world has opened up to her. She is no longer restricted to whichever room I set her down in!
She had been getting into her diaper bag and then something else caught her eye. Yup, it was the door stopper. Naturally, she was very proud of herself for making a funny noise. This is a fun age.
Oh yeah, Berky is a BIG fan. We have had to remove all of the little white tips though because he always pulls them off and puts them in his mouth.
yep, all our kids have loved them too! She's darling!
My kids loved them too. So much, in fact, that I had to remove them all. They were bending them and taking the white rubber caps off and chewing on them, etc. So now instead of door stoppers, we have little chips in the drywall from the doorknobs. Lovely! I can probably put them all back on now since the kids are a little older, the only question is: where did I stash them? :)
Jace us loving them too. Is she taking them off? Yeah, he takes them off and sucks on them....yuck!
Elijah was doing the very same thing today. BoINNNNNNNGGGGG - very cute at first, annoying after the 4th time.
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