Sunday, September 5, 2010

Growing Pains

So, today I did what I do every season--go through the kids' clothes and take out what doesn't fit anymore. It's always a time when I get a bit nostalgic and it just reminds me of how quickly they grow! (Especially Christian--my goodness, he's grown, like, 2 inches in the last month! Yeah, I'm so not kidding either.) So, (sigh) I pack away the favorite dress that Emily wore just last spring, and, all but 3 pairs of Christian's pants go into a bin as well. The days get so busy and hectic at times and this whole process of clothes sorting really makes me step back and realize how grateful I am for this reminder that helps me to appreciate where my children have been, where they're at now, and where they're going!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I know just how you feel!