Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! It was a nice day and we really have so much to be grateful for. Here are the highlights from our wonderful evening!

Kari had a great first Thanksgiving and thoroughly enjoyed her feast of carrots, applesauce, Kix, and even some turkey and stuffing! We were all eating our delicious dinner (at Mom's) and all-of-a-sudden, we pause, and realize that the grown ups were actually able to converse with one another without an interuption every 30 seconds. It was sooooo quiet. We look over in the family room and see Emily and Christian playing quietly with Tinkertoys. It was as if the clouds parted and Heaven's light was shining down (complete w/angels singing). Incredible doesn't begin to describe this phenomenon. A pleasant dinner with the Lindseths! A true Thanksgiving miracle!

After dinner, Emily and Christian put Auntie Erin and Uncle Kyle to work decorating graham-cracker gingerbread houses. (A Thanksgiving tradition in our family; this was the first year Emily and Christian have done it.) Emily was an old pro at delegating and told Erin that she was in-charge of frosting while she decorated. Christian adapted a more free-form method and made sure he and Kyle's sugar levels didn't drop: "One for you, one for me, and one for the house" was his motto.

So busy! Harvey also got in on the playtime action and he and the kids enjoyed a good game of Silly Faces. Here's the whole crew!
Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Amber M. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!