Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkins and Trunk-or-Treat, #2..the festivities continue!

Friday night we had a special FHE (Family Home Evening) and carved our pumpkins! Emily and Christian each had very specific ideas about what kind of pumpkin they wanted. Here's how they turned out! Christian made a "mean face" when he was describing what kind of face he wanted carved. Pretty close, eh?

This is Emily's "pretty girl pumpkin". Complete with eye lashes, a blue bow and "hair"!
Here are the final results! (Cubby carved the last one and took in everyone's ideas to make a "silly, scary, happy face.")
Saturday night was our church's trunk-or-treat party! It was really great. The children had fun dressing up and seeing all of their friends in their costumes as well. Christian's big moment came when he won second prize in the costume contest! Go little robot, Christian!

These two little cows have a cute story too. Both Kari and Makenna's costumes were worn previously by their older siblings, Christian and Maren! Check them out below...when the "big kids" weren't so big! (We're still looking good, Jenn, eh??)


Rebecca said...

That's quite the handle on that pumpkin, Christian. Cute pictures!

Amber M. said...

Oh my gosh, I love that Maren and Christian matched, too!

whitney allison said...

Everyone looks great! Christian's costume is certainly a winner.